Friday, March 01, 2013

Some new things

Here I am in a darkened room with these words and a Dagger Falls IPA staring back at me...


To begin this new chapter in my life some background is in order.  I graduated from Boise State University in the fall of 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology.  After a few months of decompression and relaxation I am ready to be creative.  The first item that I would like to highlight is the Twitter button on the right hand side of this page.  I will be using my Twitter account as a bridge to the photographs that I take via Instagram.  An occasional blurb or randomly strung together words may also find themselves being tweeted into the vast universe of 1's and 0's.  My goal, as of this posting, is to tweet an image at least once a day.  I have a bunch of catching up to do with respect to snapping photographs.


The second thing that I would like to point out is this blog...heavy plastic noise.  The name came about by what I can only assume was a hop infused frenzy of enlightenment with that dirty 'ol bitch Holga.  If I haven't before, shame on me, but I would like to thank Ted for the title and the plethora of inspiration that happens instantaneously as well as the inspiration that is lying dormant waiting to be tapped.  All that said, I am giving this blog a fresh set of eyes.  My intention is that I will be using this site as an outlet for writing.  Since my graduation I have been longing to write.  It is true that the writing throughout my collegiate years focused mainly on the structure of research, but the fact that I was writing kept my mind engaged with the words and amplified my writing ability.  Now I feel free to write anything and everything of my choosing.  This blog will be my blank sheet of paper, my canvas on which I will paint my words.


For starters, I will be going through some writing exercises to get back into the flow of thoughts traveling from my mind through my body and out of my tips fingers as thy strike the keys on the keyboard.  I will not limit myself as to the content of anything that I post to this blog (including photos and a research project that I actually just started to think about today...more to come).


That is it for now.  Please keeping checking this blog as well as my Twitter for all updates, creative splatterings and whatever other else that I may come up with...

<sip...and gone>
